On March 7th, Curtis Salgado suffered a heart attack while on tour on the East Coast. He was transported from Vermont to an excellent medical facility in New Hampshire, and while in the care of his medical team, doctors determined that he needed a quadruple bypass. Due to his medical history, Curtis was a high risk patient and his doctors proceeded with extra caution and care. After two weeks in the hospital in New Hampshire, Curtis was able to travel back home and has begun his rehabilitation. His spirits are high and his positive attitude and outlook will lead him on the long road of recovery ahead.
But medical expenses are not easy to pay off, especially if you’re a musician that relies on working night after night on the road. With his recovery time, Curtis will be losing substantial income for the months ahead and could certainly use your assistance, whether it is a small or large donation, it all helps.
Lloyd Jones and friends are stepping up to help Curtis in the best way they know how, by holding a special performance to help assist raising funds for their good friend. Or as Lloyd puts it, “We’re bringing out the ‘Love Bucket’ for our friend and yours. Due to the fact that he has incurred massive medical bills and can’t work right no to even pay his normal bills, I’d like to invite y’all to show your love by coming out to Catfish Lou’s on Thursday, June 8 and putting whatever funds you can afford into the ‘Love Bucket’ for our pal Curtis Salgado. 100 % of what you contribute will go directly to him. Curtis is healing nicely and hoping to be back at work in July. If we can help even a little let’s do it. After all he has made us feel good for a mighty long time.”
Catfish Lou’s is located at 2460 NW 24th Ave. show time is 8:00 pm. 21 & over only.
If you can’t make it to Catfish Lou’s, you can still help with making a donation, please visit https://www.youcaring.com/curtissalgado-786616. 100% of your donated funds will go directly to Curtis’s medical and living expenses. Please know that with or without a donation, Curtis appreciates all the love and prayers he has received from all of you! Now …Let the healing begin!
BTW, Lloyd wants you also to know that, “I’ve been diggin’ on the new acoustic recording Curtis and Alan Hagar just finished…over, and over, and over again. It’s fantastic!” Also, “The All Star Band” that will be playing for you on June 8 will be recording on June 11 as the brainchild of Boyd Small and Willy Barber. Such guests as Louis Pain, Peter Dammann, Big Monti and myself. Others are welcome join in on Thursday night as well. Hope you can help.” – Thanks, Lloyd “Have Mercy” Jones