Welcome Mike Day-CBA Treasurer!

Welcome Mike Day-CBA Treasurer!

Hi, I’m Mike Day and am looking forward to joining the CBA Board as your new Treasurer! I have a Master of Public Administration degree and currently work in public health IT management. For several years, I was the Secretary/Treasurer for a volunteer, non-profit association based in California. That background led to my interest in joining the CBA board and helping where I can. I’m looking forward to being more involved.

We are all excited about Mike joining us!

News from the CBA Board of Directors May 2021


The last few months the Board of Directors has met via Zoom. We want to update everyone on some of the things that we are working on:


  • We are excited about the return of the Waterfront Blues Festival this summer, and we’ve reached out to the organizers to find out how the CBA can best support the festival.
  • We are looking at how we might be able to move forward with the Journey To Memphis competition in 2021. There are still a lot of moving parts and things to sort out, but we’ve committed to try, and the discussions and planning have begun!
  • Socio-political events nationwide over the past while have confirmed what we’ve long suspected, and we have begun collaborating with other nonprofit organizations to become a more inclusive association and to better reflect the broad diversity of our blues heritage.
  • The closures and disruptions of the past year have hugely impacted our cash flow. The Board members greatly appreciate everyone who has continued to support our efforts either through new memberships, renewals or donations. The Board of Directors has been working diligently to learn, discuss and try out innovative ways to keep our expenses as low as possible so that we can remain effective and relevant despite the decrease in income.


After several years of service on the CBA Board of Directors, Kim Allmaras has resigned her at-large position for personal reasons. We appreciate everything she brought to the organization and thank her for all of her contributions. Kim’s input has been invaluable, we will miss her and would welcome her back at any time.


As always, thank you all, our members, for your continued support. We literally could not do what we do without you!



Your 2021 CBA Board of Directors (Greg Johnson, Shelley Garrett, Marie Walters, Mike Todd, Randy Murphy, Brad Bleidt, Ron Johnson)

CBA Board Important Message

Big Surprise!  Actually a big thank you to all of you who voted!

Your Officers are:

President-Greg Johnson

Vice-President-Shelley Garrett

Secretary-Marie Walters

Membership SEcretary-Mike Todd





7.3 President. The President shall supervise and direct the business of the corporation. In addition, the President shall preside at meetings of the Members and of the Board of Directors. The President has the right to make Executive decisions only in situations where the board is deadlocked on a decision. Such decisions will be communicated to the Board via email in a timely manner.

7.4 Vice President. In the absence of the President or as occasionally designated by the President or Board of Directors, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. The Vice President will act as counsel to the President when Executive decisions are deemed necessary.

7.5 Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Membership and Board of Directors, see that all notices are given in accordance with these Bylaws as required by law, and be custodian of the corporate records. The Secretary shall maintain a list of all generally authorized CBA activities. The Secretary will distribute the monthly meeting minutes to the Board of Directors within 1 week after the monthly meeting. The minutes will also be stored in a shared location so that backup copies are securely maintained. The Secretary will also be responsible for creating and distributing the agenda for each monthly meeting at least 24 hours before the date of said meeting.

7.6 Membership Secretary. The Membership Secretary shall keep the Membership roster current and accurate. This includes sending out membership cards to all new and renewed members, sending notices to members when membership is about to expire, providing the membership mailing list to the Editor of the Blues Notes so that members receive their newsletter. The Membership Secretary (or their designee) is encouraged to be at the monthly meetings to enroll new members, provide membership cards and update the roster. This membership roster should be up to date and accurate and include all contact information – address, email, and phone as well as any volunteer interests. The Membership secretary will be responsible for managing the member database and providing current membership lists to be used at key member meetings such as the picnic, the Muddy Awards, the Holiday party and any other events that will require checking membership status. The Corporation will provide the Membership Secretary with a laptop and other tools in order for them to do their job effectively. Since electronic payment is a vehicle that will be used to join the Corporation, the Membership Secrearty will be required to monitor electronic submissions and enroll new members promptly upon application submission. New members and renewing members should receive their authorized Membership cards no later than 1 month after their submission to join or renew. The Membership Secretary is also responsible for backing up and safely securing all membership data.

7.7 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge of, custody of and control of all funds of the corporation, shall give and receive monies payable and due to the Corporation from any sources and deposit such money in the name of the Corporation in such banks as may be selected in accordance with these Bylaws. The Treasurer shall maintain a list of generally authorized monetary expenditures approved by the Board. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all financial records, invoices and receipts of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall provide a financial status report to the Board each month which includes all financial transactions of the Corporation. After each meeting of the membership the Treasurer will count and record monies to be deposited. This report shall also be stored electronically in a shared location

Merry Larsen - Candidate for CBA Treasurer

Merry Larsen – Candidate for CBA TreasurerMerry Larsen - Candidate for CBA Treasurer

Work experience in sales & marketing.
Past National Oregon Director for General Federation of Junior Women’s Clubs

CBA Contributions:
At-large Board Member from 1996, 1997, 2012 & 2013.
Treasurer for past 5 years
3 year Sub-committee (not on the Board): Scholarship Program. Raised funds with events, set guidelines & selected recipients
21 years backstage co-captain WFBF
Lead or committee member on CBA produced events

Maintain the CBA as a financially sound organization.
Increase participation & communication within the community, CBA members & Board.

Shelley Garrett - Candidate for CBA Vice-President

Shelley Garrett – Candidate for CBA Vice-PresidentShelley Garrett - Candidate for CBA Vice-President

Served as Vice-President in 1995, Secretary from 1993-94
My work experience included leading diverse teams to complete projects

Current Contributions:
Producing the CBA Calendar
Volunteer Coordinator
Spearheading a Budgeting Process for 2019
Drove the change to Online Voting for Officer Positions

Serving as an at-large board member this year has re-affirmed my commitment to the musicians, venues and fans of our amazing blues community. I have the time and energy this position requires and plan to build on the solid foundation that exists while moving forward with new ideas to rebuild membership numbers.

James Kosek - Candidate for CBA President

James Kosek – Candidate for CBA PresidentJames Kosek - Candidate for CBA President

Currently serving as an At Large Board Member
30+ years of professional sales, marketing and planning experience
Instrumental in the production of this year’s Muddy Awards including the new venue

Transparency, Planning, Teamwork and Passion
I will expand the membership by creating new and exciting events that are inclusive to all. I want open dialog from all members. Learning what the members want from this organization. I will inject new energy and give a fresh new look to the Blues community in Portland and beyond.

I look forward to supporting you!
Thank you

Greg Johnson - Candidate for CBA President

Greg JohnsonCandidate for CBA PresidentGreg Johnson - Candidate for CBA President

CBA Board of Directors since 1998, Vice President 2001, President 2002 to present
Background in Staff, Project & Purchasing Management
Internationally respected & recognized in global blues community. Integrity & honesty.

Recognition: Muddy Awards (Lifetime Achievement, three Back What You Believe); Blues Foundation’s Keeping the Blues Alive Award, more

Current Contributions:
BluesNotes prime contributor
Scheduling/Hosting Membership & Board Meetings
Lead on Journey to Memphis, Muddy Awards
Blues Society, Festival, Media, Membership liaison
Multiple other responsibilities

Continual support of all local artists. Promotion of new & younger artists. Establishing new events, revising past projects and maintaining organization’s financial stability.

Officer Job Descriptions

President. The President shall supervise and direct the business of the corporation. In addition, the President shall preside at meetings of the Members and of the Board of Directors.  The President has the right to make Executive decisions only in situations where the board is deadlocked on a decision. Such decisions will be communicated to the Board via email in a timely manner.

Vice President. In the absence of the President or as occasionally designated by the President or Board of Directors, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. The Vice President will act as counsel to the President when Executive decisions are deemed necessary.

Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Membership and Board of Directors, see that all notices are given in accordance with these Bylaws as required by law, and be custodian of the corporate records. The Secretary shall maintain a list of all generally authorized CBA activities. The Secretary will distribute the monthly meeting minutes to the Board of Directors within 1 week after the monthly meeting.  The minutes will also be stored in a shared location so that backup copies are securely maintained.  The Secretary will also be responsible for creating and distributing the agenda for each monthly meeting at least 24 hours before the date of said meeting.

Membership Secretary. The Membership Secretary shall keep the Membership roster current and accurate.  This includes sending out membership cards to all new and renewed members, sending notices to members when membership is about to expire, providing the membership mailing list to the Editor of the Blues Notes so that members receive their newsletter. The Membership Secretary (or their designee) is encouraged to be at the monthly meetings to enroll new members, provide membership cards and update the roster.  This membership roster should be up to date and accurate and include all contact information – address, email, and phone as well as any volunteer interests.  The Membership secretary will be responsible for managing the member database and providing current membership lists to be used at key member meetings such as the picnic, the Muddy Awards, the Holiday party and any other events that will require checking membership status.  The Corporation will provide the Membership Secretary with a laptop and other tools in order for them to do their job effectively.  Since electronic payment is a vehicle that will be used to join the Corporation, the Membership Secretary will be required to monitor electronic submissions and enroll new members promptly upon application submission.  New members and renewing members should receive their authorized Membership cards no later than 1 month after their submission to join or renew.  The Membership Secretary is also responsible for backing up and safely securing all membership data.

Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge of, custody of and control of all funds of the corporation, shall give and receive monies payable and due to the Corporation from any sources and deposit such money in the name of the Corporation in such banks as may be selected in accordance with these Bylaws. The Treasurer shall maintain a list of generally authorized monetary expenditures approved by the Board. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all financial records, invoices and receipts of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall provide a financial status report to the Board each month which includes all financial transactions of the Corporation.  After each meeting of the membership the Treasurer will count and record monies to be deposited.  This report shall also be stored electronically in a shared location

CBA Board Member-At-Large Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Attend monthly board meetings and participates through voting in the decision making process of the CBA.
  • Actively initiate and participate in various fund raising and music promoting projects and events of benefit to CBA members and the public at large.
  • Use his or her unique skills on behalf of the CBA to advance its mission and goals.
  • Assist and support officers and other board members on CBA project as directed.
  • Advocate for the preservation and promotion of blues, American Roots, and soul music in Oregon, the Northwest, and nationwide.
Officer Job Descriptions

Greg Johnson, President

Wendy Schumer, Vice President

Merry Larson, Treasurer

Brenda Docken, Secretary

Fred and JoAnn Morgan, Membership Secretaries

James Kosek, Shelley Garrett and Randy Murphy, Board At-Large