CBA Rummage Sale Rescheduled to October 15th


Who would have thought it? The entire week prior to the date for this year’s Cascade Blues Association’s annual Rummage Sale the weather had been sunny and comfortably warm, but on the Saturday morning of our rummage sale, the rains came — big time. Our trusty Rummage Sale leaders Cherie Robbins and Rae Gordon, Board Members Greg Johnson, Wendy Schumer, Fred & Joann Morgan, and a handful of volunteers like Deidre DeMier & Al Hooten, Jimmy Wong & his family, and Gary Jaskowiak (on Friday for truck loading), were on hand to set up the sale, pop-up tents and tables were put up and a truck full of donated items were at The Bomber parking lot, but we were not able to set everything up before it was determined that it just wasn’t going to happen that day. Attempts to relocate to an indoor site were futile.

Thanks to Jimmy Wong for volunteering his barn in Mulino to store all of the items to save the CBA from the expense of continuing the U-Haul truck and finding a storage unit. Better yet, he has volunteered his barn to hold the rescheduled Rummage Sale indoors, plus he has an outdoor covered stage for performances (if the weather is good, inside the barn if not).

So . . .the Rummage Sale has been rescheduled for Saturday, October 15, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The location is 26412 S Highway 213 in Mulino, Oregon, directly behind the Mill Barn Espresso drive through stand. There will be music and plans are looking to hold another side event at the same time, so keep up to date by checking the CBA website and Facebook page.

A special thanks go out to all the musicians who were originally scheduled to perform at the Rummage Sale in September: Timothy James, Justus Reece, Kathryn Grimm, and Ben Rice, we will try to see if you’re now available for October. Thanks to Robin Gibson for bringing his PA system for set-up, plus all of his work with the moving of the sale items to Mulino. We will still need volunteers for the new date, so if you’re available to help, contact Rummage Sale chair-person Cherie Robbins at