General Membership Meeting Cancelled  August 2020

October 2020 cancelled

General Membership Meeting Cancelled
August 2020

As we approach another month in this time of Covid-19, we do not seem any closer to being able to have a live membership meeting. Portland still sits in phase one, with phase two not allowing groups of more than 25 people still to come. We just do not know when things will turn around for us. 

We apologize to our members and to the acts scheduled during these months, but we basically have our hands tied at this point. Phase one has allowed some venues to be able to hold shows, so help them out and attend when possible – but remember, the fact is that the pandemic still exists, so be safe. We do not want to move into the position that the State of Washington resides with no music allowed until they reach phase four, or California where the entire state is shut down for all restaurants and bars. Don’t let us move backwards. 

Keep a watch on our Facebook page and the Cascade Blues Association website, if anything changes for the positive where we might be able to have a meeting, we will let you know. We’re heavily anticipating when we may be able to gather again and enjoy our friendships and great music.