Thank you Volunteers!!
Often the Cascade Blues Association holds events or places merchandise booths at special events where we need extra hand on deck, and we greatly appreciate when our volunteers step forward to help us out. Thanks to the following individuals for their assistance at the Cider Summit and Waterfront Blues Festival.
Cider Summit – Belinda Clark, Karen Lovely
Journey to Memphis Finals Judges – Chris Azorr, Kendra Carpenter, Michael Bard and Tony TC Coleman
Waterfront – Belinda Clark, Bryan Olson, Carol Hamley, Colia Ash, Darlene Winward, Diane Williams, Don Geren, Gary Frogge, Georgann Gieser, Holly Thomas, Jamey Winchester, Jeanette Aglipay, Jeff Hayes, Jenny Pizot, Jim Miller, Julie Amici, Kathy Kiwala, Katie Ugolini, Laura Lund, Nancy Ferry, Patricia Oshea, Priscilla Miller, Raleigh Pate, Richard LaChapelle, Ron Beed, Sandie Wilkins, Terry Nolan, Tim Lund, Tom Rich, Valerie Grey, Zoe Weber