Ramblings On My Mind – February 2020
by Greg Johnson,
Cascade Blues Association President
I know it’s February and since I was a month behind last time getting out the top ten list of favorite CDs of 2019, let me do a touch more catching up. We have gone through another election to decide who will be behind the scenes of the Cascade Blues Association for this next year. Well, it’s not really an election when nobody is running against anyone else, but that’s the way things go at times. Thanks to all of those who stepped forward once again to do the necessary chores that keep this organization running. New this year will be Michael Todd taking on the role of membership secretary; definitely a job that takes a lot of work. Welcome aboard Michael, looking forward to working with you.
I also want to take a moment to acknowledge those board members who will not be with us this year. Working on the board takes time, and it doesn’t always work out with the lives we live in our regular day-to-day lives trying to balance between the two.
Katie Allard served this past year as our membership secretary and did a wonderful job in the role. She decided to step down due to time needed away from the CBA, but she will be helping Michael out getting organized and up to speed. Thank you Katie; going to miss you and you’re always welcome back anytime.
Jamey Winchester also needed to step away as his regular life needed more attention. Thank you Jamey for a bevy of achievements that you pushed forward, including the new look BluesNotes, the Blues Directory, pursuing advertising and working out our relationship with The Eagles for our new home. These will be long-lasting accomplishments. Thank you.
Of course, we’re grateful for all of our board members and the work that they do. Show them that they’re appreciated with a pat on the back and a thank you for their hard work.
With that said, we can always use more help on our board and with volunteers. The more people we have, the easier the tasks we take on will be. If you have an interest in fund-raising, grant-writing, membership drives, writing for the BluesNotes, seeking advertising, or simply helping us out at various events such as the Waterfront Blues Festival merchandise booth, let us know. We’re not going to turn you away, as our members and volunteers are our life-blood. If you love the local blues scene and want to give a hand in seeing it succeed through support and promotion, this is the place for you.
If you’re unable to be a part of our board or as a volunteer, you can still help us by telling all your friends about the Cascade Blues Association. Get them to become members. The more members, the more friends we have, and means even more fun celebrating our blues community.
One last word, thank you to all of the people who put together fundraising events for our Journey To Memphis winners helping them make their trips to the International Blues Challenge, with huge shout outs to Rae Gordon and Malena Masterson for multiple showcases. They also could not be done without our volunteers and donations both in cash and items used as auction/raffle items. Thank you everyone!!