NEW! Duffy Bishop CD – “I’m Gonna do what I want”
Available at and Music Millennium
June CBA General Membership Meeting Cancelled
As we’re well into our third month of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are starting to see some activities and businesses begin to reopen across the State. At this time, Multnomah County has yet to apply for the Phase One opening stage, which will only allow up to 25 people in gatherings and must include distancing of six feet for patrons. Phase One guidelines state that this must go on for a period of 21 days before moving onto Phase Two…
…As for now, with the 25 people limit for gatherings, we will have to cancel our meeting scheduled for June. It is not just a decision made for safety, which is the number one concern, but it is also not economically feasible for us to hold a meeting with this limited number of people. Most who attend are members and have free entry to the meetings. But even if the entire 25 attendees were to pay the $5.00 non-member entry, it would still not be enough to cover expenses…
In the meantime, please continue to be safe and to support the musicians performing online and the venues and retail outlets offering allowable services…
– CBA Board of Directors