Lloyd Jones
“I’m enormously grateful and delighted for the wonderful audience at the Mission Theater CBA concert in February! Terry Robb was spectacular and the audience so responsive to our new songs.This was a beautiful venue for the music community to gather & perform in. We videoed the whole night so you will see some highlights to promote our “Kickstarter” program going on right now through March 17th…St. Patricks Day!! That’s right, Catfish Lou’s is sponsoring a special “Send Lloyd Jones to Nashville” concert with special performers all day on St. Patricks Day from 2pm until 9pm!! It’s not to late to join in the fun!
Please visit www.kickstarter.com ,”music”, “Lloyd Jones” Nashville Run.
Or www.lloydjonesmusic.com for more info.
Or catfishlous.com“
Lloyd ‘ Have Mercy’ Jones